Sn74ls151n circuits will be updated soon, now you can download the pdf. Sn74ls9n pdf, sn74ls9n description, sn74ls9n datasheets. With pl high, serial shifting occurs on the rising edge of the clock. The information on the d inputs is stored during the low to high clock transition. The multiple input enables allow parallel expansion to a 1. Eachdecoder has an active low enable input which can be used as a data inputfor a 4output demultiplexer. This heading on a data sheet indicates that the device is in the formative. Sn74ls9 dual 1of4 decoder demultiplexer applelogic. Sn5408 series quadruple 2input positiveand gates from texas instruments datasheet. Vcc and gnd are the supply voltage pins for the digital control inputs s1 to s3 and e. Dual 1of4 decoder demultiplexer the lsttlmsi sn5474ls9 is a high speed dual 1of4 decoderdemultiplexer. Dual 4input multiplexer sn5474ls153 datasheet catalog. D2 pin 74ls42 74ls9 93l01 ttl 74155 ttl 9334 7442 pin.
Designed with all inputs buffered, the drive requirements are lowered to one 5474ls standard load. Should buyer purchase or use motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, buyer shall indemnify and hold motorola and its of ficers, employees, subsidiaries, af filiates, and distributors harmless. Sn54 74ls9 dual 1of4 decoder demultiplexer the lsttlmsi sn54 74ls9 is a high speed dual 1of4 decoder demultiplexer. Sn74ls9n datasheet, sn74ls9n datasheets, sn74ls9n pdf, sn74ls9n circuit. The ls166 is a parallelin or serialin, serialout shift register and has a. The register consists of eight dtype flipflops with a common clock and an asynchronous active low master reset. Sep 04, 2019 sn74ls02n datasheet pdf quad 2input nor gate, pdf, pinout, equivalent, replacement, schematic, manual, data, circuit, parts, datasheet. This device is ideally suited for high speed bipolar memory chip select address decoding. Dual 1of4 decoder demultiplexer the lsttlmsi sn54 74ls9 is a high speed dual 1of4 decoderdemultiplexer. Sn5474ls153 functional description the ls153 is a dual 4input multiplexer fabricated with low power, schottky barrier diode process for high speed. Synchronous 4bit updown counters dual clock with clear.
They are capable of transforming slowly changing input signals into sharply defined, jitterfree output signals. Aug 16, 2019 dm74ls47n datasheet pdf dm74ls47n datasheet, dm74ls47n circuit, dm74ls47n data sheet. The ls151 can be used as a universal function generator to generate any logic function of four variables. The multiple input enables allow parallel expansion to a 1of24 decoder using just three ls8 devices or to a 1of32. Specify by appending the suffix letter x to the ordering code.
Dm74ls47n datasheet pdf dm74ls47n datasheet, dm74ls47n circuit, dm74ls47n data sheet. Sn74ls9n datasheet, sn74ls9n pdf, sn74ls9n data sheet, sn74ls9n manual, sn74ls9n pdf, sn74ls9n, datenblatt, electronics sn74ls9n, alldatasheet, free. Sn5474ls166 8bit shift registers datasheet catalog. Sw1 vcc rl to output under test figure 8 switch positions includes jig and probe capacitance. Dual 2line to 4line decodersdemultiplexer datasheet. This device is supplied in a 20pin package featuring 0. The device is useful for general flipflop requirements where clock and clear inputs are common. Nsc bcd to 7segment decoderdriver,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet. The ls160a and ls162a can be preset to any state, but will not count beyond 9. Sn74ls151n datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. The two 4input multiplexer circuits have individual active low enables ea, eb. Quad 2input exclusive or gate 14 12 11 10 9 123456 vcc 8 7 gnd truth table in out a b z l l l l h h h l h h h l guaranteed operating ranges symbol parameter min typ max unit vcc supply voltage 54 74 4. If preset to state 10, 1 1, within two clock pulses.
C3866 datasheet pdf npn power transistor savantic, c3866 datasheet, c3866 pdf, c3866 pinout, data, circuit, c3866 equivalent, schematic, c3866 mosfet. The device has two independent decoders, each accepting two inputs and. Sn74ls08p datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. Sn74ls151ndatasheet pdf2 sn74ls151n datasheet pdf3 sn74ls151ndatasheet.
Dm74ls154 4line to 16line decoderdemultiplexer physical dimensions inches millimeters unless otherwise noted continued 24lead plastic dualinline package pdip, jedec ms010, 0. Parallel inputing occurs asynchronously when the parallel load pl input is low. Sn74ls02n datasheet pdf quad 2input nor gate, pdf, pinout, equivalent, replacement, schematic, manual, data, circuit, parts, datasheet. Octal d flipflop with clear the sn5474ls273 is a highspeed 8bit register. Sdls055a december 1972 revised may 2007 1 sn54s153, sn74153, and sn74s153 are obsolete. Ti defines rohs to mean semiconductor products that are compliant with the current eu rohs requirements for all 10 rohs substances, including the requirement that rohs substance do not exceed 0. By utilizing input clamping diodes, switching transients are minimized and system design simplified. Dm74ls14 hex inverter with schmitt trigger inputs physical dimensions inches millimeters unless otherwise noted continued 14lead plastic dualinline package pdip, jedec ms001, 0. Should buyer purchase or use motorola products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, buyer shall indemnify and hold motorola and its of ficers, employees, subsidiaries, af.
Electronic version of the ttl manual from motorola pdf ece labs. The lsttlmsi sn5474ls9 is a high speed dual 1of4 decoderde multiplexer. Dm7417 hex buffers with high voltage opencollector outputs physical dimensions inches millimeters unless otherwise noted continued 14lead plastic dualinline package pdip, jedec ms001, 0. Dual 1of4 decoder demultiplexer, 74ls9 datasheet, 74ls9 circuit, 74ls9 data sheet. Sn74ls151n, 8input multiplexer in 16pin pdip package. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, rohs products are suitable for use. The device has two independent decoders, each accepting twoinputs and providing four mutually exclusive active low outputs. Provides 16 arithmetic operations add, subtract, compare, double, plus. It can select two bits of data from up to four sources under the control of the common select inputs s 0, s1. The device has two independent decoders, each accepting two inputs and providing four mutually exclusive active low outputs. An enable input can be used as a data input for demultiplexing, s n 74 ls 8 3lime to 8line d ec o d er s fd em u.
It provides, in one package, the ability to select one bit of data from up to eight sources. The sn5474ls197 contains dividebytwo and dividebyeight sections which. Sn5474ls196 4stage presettable sn5474ls197 datasheet catalog. Dm74ls00 quad 2input nand gate physical dimensions inches millimeters unless otherwise noted continued 14lead plastic dualinline package pdip, jedec ms001, 0. Sn5474ls160a sn5474ls161a sn5474ls162a sn5474ls163a state diagram ls160a ls162a ls161a ls163a 12, 14, or 15, it will return to its normal sequence note. The ic06 74hchcthcuhcmos logic family specifications. Each decoder has an active low enable input which can be used as a data input for a 4output demultiplexer. Motorola, alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for electronic components and semiconductors, integrated circuits, diodes, triacs, and other semiconductors. Onsemi low power schottky,alldatasheet, datasheet, datasheet search site for. Sn54ls151 series 8input multiplexer from motorola datasheet.
Sn74ls14 schmitt triggers dual gatehex inverter the sn74ls14 contains logic gatesinverters which accept standard ttl input signals and provide standard ttl output levels. With e high, all switches are in the highimpedance offstate, independent of s1 to s3. Sn74ls9 datasheet, sn74ls9 pdf, sn74ls9 data sheet, sn74ls9 manual, sn74ls9 pdf, sn74ls9, datenblatt, electronics sn74ls9, alldatasheet, free, datasheet. Both true and complemented outputs of each flipflop are provided. All operating parameters, including typicals must be. Dm74ls32 quad 2input or gate dm74ls32 quad 2input or gate general description this device contains four independent gates each of which performs the logic or function. Quad d flipflop the lsttlmsi sn5474ls175 is a high speed quad d flipflop.
Dual 2line to 4line decodersdemultiplexer datasheet rev. Dm7417 hex buffers with high voltage opencollector outputs. Provides 16 arithmetic operations add, subtract, compare, double, plus twelve other arithmetic operations. Recent listings manufacturer directory get instant. They are capable of transforming slowly changing input signals into sharply defined. Dm74ls32 quad 2input or gate physical dimensions inches millimeters unless otherwise noted continued 14lead plastic dualinline package pdip, jedec ms001, 0. Technical information fairchild semiconductor 74ls9 datasheet. Ttl ics 7400series74xxxseriesttlseries ics for sale,trade.
248 165 1080 1384 944 1317 1474 968 475 546 73 685 939 1317 1307 1430 48 1274 500 1089 364 658 1467 330 273 1226 667 1111 378 412 1496 1045